Friday, May 9, 2008

What I Learned This Week

I learned about Xerxes I, Esther, and the golden age of Athens in history. I learned about columns when I was reading about the golden age of Athens. Here's some info about Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns:
Doric columns:
The Doric column is the oldest and simplest Greek style.
Ionic columns:
Ionic columns are identified by scroll-shaped ornaments at the capital that resemble rams horns.
Corinthian columns:
Corinthian columns are the latest of the three Greek styles.
I think columns are interesting. The more syllables in the word, the fancier the column. Corinthian columns are very fancy. They have swirls and a feathery design, there's even a little flower carved into the bundle of feathers near the capital( the capitals are the tops of the columns ).
I learned how to write most, important, makes, continue, many, and deep in cursive. I am using a new math book( you must think I did ten pages a day, right? Nope. Only two. It was only 34 pages long! ).
I am still reading The Hobbit. I am doing narration, too. I read A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like to read in bed, too. I just finished a Magic Treehouse book last night called Season of the Sandstorms. The reading I do in school is really, really, REALLY different than the reading I do in bed, VERY different!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Corinthian columns sound like the little columns I have in my garden. Do you remember those?

I worked in my garden most of the day, today. Weeding and putting little bunny statues in their places.

I surely sounds like you keep busy.
Love, Granny L.