Friday, August 22, 2008

Going again!

I'm going to Kentucky to see my other grandma and grandpa. I'm going for two whole weeks! Don't worry. I can still post because my grandma has a computer right next to the stairs. It takes TEN hours to get there! I also use her computer to play Webkinz. My grandma is an artist. She's not famous but she probably would be if she sent an artwork of hers to an art contest! My room used to be an attic. It had gray walls and it was full of junk like boxes and stuff. She painted the walls-not with regular paint and wallpaper-a beautiful masterpiece! I love going to my grandma and grandpa's house!


Anonymous said...

I'd love to see pictures of the walls in that room. They sound glorious!

Anonymous said...


I tagged you on my blog.

JoJo Bean (Joy's daughter)

Anonymous said...

We surely enjoyed your visit. Now we are waiting for you to come and visit again!!

Granny Jlily