Monday, January 12, 2009

Story 6: Lillian the house maid-Chapter 1: The unicorn

One morning, Rose woke up to the sweet smell of waffles with strawberry sauce. She knew only Lillian could make waffles like that. She got out of bed and got dressed and looked at her new book. It was called Rose and the Unicorn. Her mother, Queen Belle, made it for her. When she was done looking at it, she hurried downstairs to have her waffles. When she got to the dining room she saw her waffles sitting on the table in front of her seat. She started eating right away."Mmm. these are good, Lillian,"she said, though Lillian was nowhere nearby. She just started eating her second waffle when Lillian appeared out of nowhere."Where is your brother?"Lillian asked. She always sounded very mother-like. Especially for a nine year old."No idea,"Rose said,"Check the bathroom."Rose blinked, then Lillian was gone. She thought it was very strange how Lillian could do that. It's so interesting she can just disappear like that. I wonder how she does it? she thought to herself, taking a large drink of milk. She took one last bite of her pancakes and went to search for her brother, Alexander. As soon as she got to the bathroom door, Lillian appeared out of nowhere. Again."How do you do that?"Rose asked. Lillian didn't reply. Maybe it's a secret, Rose thought. She opened the bathroom door."He's not in there. I looked already,"Lillian said."Oh,"Rose squeaked. Lillian didn't here her. She shut the door."Ella and Jackson are coming over today. I think you should go clean up your room,"Lillian said."OK,"Rose squeaked, running up the stairs. Why can't I just be able to talk the regular way? Rose thought. Then I wouldn't sound like I'm always quiet. Rose wasn't just sad she always squeaked. She was also jealous of Lillian's French accent. Lillian lived in France for the first five years of her life and had a wonderful, beautiful French accent. She also taught Alexander and Rose a bit of French. When Rose was cleaning her room, she saw her brother under the bed."We've been looking for you! Why are you under my bed?" Rose asked."I was just looking for my little stuffed puppy, Spotzza Mozzarella," Alexander replied. Rose and Alexander came up with the name Spotzza Mozzarella. It took them a while, though. First they came up with Spot, then Spots, then Spotzza, and they finally came up with Spotzza Mozzarela."Spotzza Mozzarella is in the toy box,"Rose said."Thanks!"Alexander said, running out of the room and down the stairs.Rose was just about to follow him, but the door bell rang. She finished cleaning and ran down the stairs."The door bell rang!"Rose called to Lillian."OK, Rosie,"Lillian said. She suddenly appeared at the door. Rose ran over to her. She and Lillian opened the door."Hi!"Rose said to Ella and Jackson. Ella's curly, golden hair ran down her back. When Ella came in, Rose saw a little girl about her age come in behind her. A little three year old girl with curly, light-blond hair."Hi, Rosie!"said the little girl, smiling. Rose was surprised."Who's the little girl?"Rose asked Lillian."Oh, that's Faith. The McGrath's new little house maid,"Lillian said. Lillian always called Rose's cousins and aunt and uncle the McGraths because it was their last name."Hi, Faith,"Rose said. She wasn't quiet anymore."Want to see your cousin Ella's pet unicorn?"Faith asked. Rose became excited."Ella got a unicorn?!"Rose asked loudly. Faith nodded. When she nodded, a white horse came in. Rose saw it wasn't a regular horse-it was a unicorn! It had a small horn and shiny, glittering hooves. The horse was about four feet tall, three and a half feet long, and eight inches wide. The perfect size for a unicorn."Wow. . . . ."Rose said, looking into the unicorns crystal-like blue eyes. She was very happy."Where can we keep her?"Ella asked."You can keep her in the little stable in the back yard. The stable isn't too small, it's more like a barn. She'll have plenty of room to run around. There are also some horses in there about the same size as her,"Lillian said. She led the unicorn out to the barn.

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