Friday, February 27, 2009

What I learned this week: With what to do after you read this post

Hello! Welcome to What I learned this Week. I am pretty much making this a lot of fun now, with Webkinz things and games and stuff. Today, at the end of this post, I will have what to do when you are done reading this post!!! Right now I have a lot of things for here. Look at what I did this week:

1. I read a book called A Wrinkle In Time. Oh, and now I give the books I read rating. I rate this one VGB(Very Good Book). If I tell you a single thing about this book, I will pretty much be telling you the whole thing, so I decided not to tell you about it!
2. I did nine pages in my new math book. My math this week wasn't to bad. . . Pretty much rounding and adding. Those are two things in math I don't mind much.
3. In history, the activity for the lesson about vikings was about sunlight. In Sweden in the Summer, there are 20 hours of sunlight! That would mean going to sleep while it's still light out. And in Winter there, there are just four hours of sunlight! The seasons sound very different.

OK, now here's what to do after you read this post:

1. Read The Time Travelers. It came out in 2006 and I rate it AGATHPB(As Good As The Harry Potter Books). You should read it! It is absolutely wonderful. You have to find out what it is about yourself. Again. It's hard to explain. (READ IT!!!)

2. Play Webkinz!!! If you have Webkinz, that is.(I love webkinz)

3. Look at another one of my posts.(think I've seen all of them. . . )

4. Watch a movie.(I've watched all of them :D)

5. Go to bed.(not tired-yawns-)

6. Eat some popcorn.(mmm. . . good idea :D)

7. Throw your computer out the window!!!(why would I do that?!)

8. Read anything(even a sign!).(Why???)

9. Go outside.(to cold)

10. Think about how if there wasn't a zero there wouldn't be any numbers AT ALL.(wow)

11. Do nothing.(OK :D)

12. Play with something(is reading books the same as playing with them? :D).

13. Do school(I am already! :D).

14. Have lunch(just had Breakfast!)

15. Draw(I think I'm good at drawing. not sure-draws big huge weird looking thing-).

16. Do nothing(didn't you post that already? :P).

17. Make as many funny faces as you can like this: :D(:D :) :( ;) ;D |:( is that good enough?).

18. Make up funny faces(for aliens!). (:Z :X :T :Y :O :I :U :P :K :L :H :J : F :S :W :E :Q :A there!)

19. Sing. (Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala!!!!!!)

That's all I can come up ith. Bye!

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