Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dream Diary #1

I've been remembering my dreams lately. Some of them are really weird........... Since I've been remembering my dreams, I've decided to start this Dream Diary. Here's one of my weirdest dreams:

October 4th 2008-
I had a dream where my books were disappearing. I asked my mom what we would tell the librarian(most of the books were from the library). She said she had no idea. All of the books that disappeared were fiction. The books that didn't disappear weren't fiction(but I found my book about artists with the cover ripped off...). It was really weird..........

I hope you liked that entry to my dream Dream Diary. There will be lots more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is a sign that YOU need to write more books to replace the one hat disappear. We know how good you are at that!!Love, G4ranny Lily