Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Halloween fun

Here are some crafts and activities that will make Halloween REALLY fun!:

Most fun for ages 3-5:
1. Make up your own ghost dance(the next activity makes this more fun!).
2. Ask your mom and dad if they could cut a BIG circle out of a white sheet. If they can, tell them to cut eye holes in it. If you thing it's boring, have your mom help you decorate it with lace and ribbon! Now, do the ghost dance in your cool costume!

Most fun for ages 5-7:
1. Tell your mom and dad to hide candy in your backyard. Now, you and your friends can look for that delicious candy!
2. Make paper ghosts! You and your friends can cut ghosts out of paper. Draw faces on them. Now, decorate them with glitter and ribbon! Don't forget to draw on them with markers and crayons!

Most fun for ages 7-9:
1. Play candy toss! If you have three or more friends over, toss the candy to your friends in a circle clockwise(use one piece of candy). When someone drops the candy, he or she is out. When it gets down to two players, whoever drops the candy is out, and whoever is left wins!

I hope you have fun with cool Halloween activities!

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