Thursday, March 19, 2009

The "I'm Bored" Post

Are you bored? So am I! Here; this is a newspaper/journal/diary/post/thing to look at when you're bored!

Isabelle's News
This is my news! Here's what I have so far:

1. The sea monkeys are finally growing!!!
2. We(by we I mean me, Jack, Diana, Faith, Nana, Papa, Mom, Dad, Alex, Olivia, Gracie, Aunt Kristy, and Uncle Tom!)are going to Disney World this November! Yay!
3. The secret world is now open!
4.There will soon be a contest in the secret world! It's guess the number of Jellybeans in the jar. There won't be a picture, but there will be hints! It's coming on April 17th.
5. OK, I'll tell you the hints right now, but don't answer until the contest!:

My first number can be spelled quickly, but my second, not that fast. My last two numbers aren't easy to guess, but even so, do try your best!

Do you like it? It's a rhyme, too!!

That's all the news for today! Bye!

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