Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wow. . .

The weather is crazy! Tornadoes in Georgia, tornado watches all throughout the Southeast, it's crazy! I have the Weather Channel Desktop(I check it at least once everyday), and one of the maps says my grandma is in the severe possible zone, but Kentucky has no active weather alerts. I'm getting showers today and snow tomorrow. It's COLD! Just a week ago the high was 60 and now it's 45. It's 41 right now, and *checks Weather Channel Desktop* 58 at my grandma's house. She's getting thunderstorms today. I can't wait until it's hot again.

I can also tell the weather by the clouds. Here:

Cumulonimbus clouds: Easy. Thunderstorms. Sometimes tornadoes, if they look bigger and blacker and violent.
Cumulus clouds: A nice, sunny day.
Nimbus clouds: Rain, of course! They look sort of like cumulonimbus clouds but smaller and grayer.
Cirrus: Sunny.
Stratus: Hmm. . . mostly just cloudy. Sometimes they bring rain.

Yesterday there were cumulus, cirrus, and stratus clouds. and some cittro-stratus(they have rows and layers, but they are very thin and beautiful). It looked really pretty. It was just cloudy all day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you are right. We've had rain and high winds all day. But so far nothing worse than that. Just enough that sparky had to wear his raincoat to go outside. LOL
Love, granny Lily