Monday, March 9, 2009

What I learned this(well, last)week

I didn't do any school on Friday because we were very busy. We went to Meijer in the morning, we had lunch when we got home, we went outside. . . . very busy(if you count being "outside" as being "busy" :P). Anyway, I'm writing this now. And before I get started, I want to tell you something.

One time just Jack came over and we went to Meijer. He didn't know the J was silent, so he said this:"Why are we going to Mijjer?"

OK, I did math(mostly subtraction, which I very much dislike), I wrote this post(wait. . . that doesn't make sense, does it?), I didn't do reading(I didn't have to), and I did writing strands(oh wait, still have to do that today).

Oh, and before we went to Meijer Olivia spilled some water on the table. When we looked in it, we saw the reflection of the blinds. Not just a reflection, but it looked like they were going down, like 3D. It inspired me with a story to write(isn't it odd that we can get inspiration for stories from water?!). It's about a girl who travels into a magical world through a puddle of water on her table that makes everything look 3D. It's not 3D reflections, she discovered. It was an opening to a magical world. When she comes back out, everyone stares at her(including her friends). They were amazed. When she tries to get them to come with her, she discovers that only she can use the opening, and she wants to know why.

I'll write the whole story this weekend. Bye!!!

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