Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Creativity Sparkles: Issue No.1-December 2008

Creativity sparkle
Craft of the month
Markers vs. Crayons
Cool crafts
Christmas fun
Funny stories
Holiday trips
Reading vs. TV
Animal of the month


Hi! Welcome to Creativity Sparkles Magazine. This magazine is full of crafts, stories, and fun. There will be one issue a month that has plenty of fun things in it. I hope you enjoy it!

Creativity sparkle

Here is a creativity sparkle:

Make a Snowglobe!

You need:
A bottle of glitter
A cleaned(inside and outside)glass jar
10 Beads

1. Take the lid off the jar and set it aside.
2. Pour about a spoonful of glitter into the jar and fill it with water.
3. Put the beads in the jar and put the lid back on tightly.
4. Put the snowglobe down on its lid so that the bottom of it is sticking up.
5. Shake the snowglobe and watch the glitter and beads dance around!


Here is something you can use you imagination for:

Make a book turn into a movie in your head!

What you need:
A book you want to read
A quiet place
A good imagination

1. Sit in the quiet place and start reading.
2. If the book is good enough, start using your imagination to help you with this.
3. Use your imagination and picture what's happening in the book in your head.
4. Keep reading while you do this and it's like watching a movie in your head!
5. You also have to make sure you imagine the characters voices and picture their mouths moving to make the words.
6. Of course, you have to picture the place and the people to do this.
7. Have fun watching the movie of the book you're reading in your head!

Craft of the month

Here's the craft of the month:

Make ornaments!

What you need:
Thick cardboard(not too thick)
Paint, markers, or crayons
Hole punch
Ribbon or string

1. Cut a circle about the size of a bagel out of the cardboard.
2. Use the hole punch to make a hole about a quarter inch below the top of your circle.
3. Color or paint on the ornament.
4. If you are using paint, wait for it to dry and then put the ribbon or string through the hole from the hole punch. If you are using markers or crayons, you can put the ribbon or string through the hole right away.
5. Tie the ribbon or string.
6. Put the ornament on your Christmas tree!

Markers vs. Crayons

Which do you like better: Markers or Crayons? Tell me in a comment and whichever gets the most votes wins(although they don't get anything)!

Cool crafts

Have fun making these COOL crafts!:

Make a coloring book!

What you need:
6 pieces of paper
A pen
A stapler

1. Put the six pieces of paper on top of each other and fold them in half.
2. Staple the folded pieces of paper together.
3. When they are all stapled together, draw designs on each page.
4. Find some crayons and color in the designs!

Make paper food!

What you need:
White paper

1. We're making a taco. Cut a tortilla sized circle out of a piece of paper and fold it in half. Color it golden brown.
2. Make lettuce by cutting out a curvy circle and coloring it green.
3. Make tomato slices by making circles and coloring them red.
4. Make cheese by cutting out little slips of paper and coloring them orange.
5. Your taco is ready to eat-well, not really!

Christmas fun

Make a cool Christmas card!

What you need:
A pen

1. Fold the piece of paper in half.
2. Use the pen to draw Christmas designs on the cover of the card and color them in with your crayons.
3. Use the pen to write "Merry Christmas" on the cover of the card.
4. Inside the card, write a Christmas note and draw a design in the bottom right corner.
5. Your cool Christmas card is ready!

Funny stories

One time was going to Creative kids camp at my Church and I thought it was Silly Hat Day there (we had pajama day, silly socks day, and other stuff like that. Me and my friend Maddie came up with the idea), but I was wrong. It was silly socks day! I was wearing an umbrella hat and it wasn't even silly hat day! It was so funny. I wore it though, anyway!

Holiday trips

I'm going to my grandma's house in Kentucky for Christmas. It takes 10 hours to get there! My mom's going to make dog treats for Sparky(she made some for Sparky last year and he loved them). It'll be so much fun!

Reading vs. TV

Which do you like better: Reading or TV? Tell me and whichever one gets the most votes wins!

Animal of the month

The animal of the month is. . . The dog! I love dogs. They are so much fun!

That's the end of this month's issue

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