Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Webkinz: Kinz Cool Fashion Magazine: Issue No.1-December 2008

Awesome fashions
Fashion tips
Cool pets
Pet styles
Fashion questionz
Style story
New clothes
Outfitz from you
Lovely pets

Hi! This is Kinz Cool Fashion Magazine. It's an awesome magazine filled with fashion, friends, questions, fun, and other neat things. I hope you like it!

Awesome fashions

There are lots of awesome fashions! Here's one:

The Mod jacket, Camo cargo pants, Daisy hair clip, and Ruby slippers.

It's absolutely lovely! Here's another:

The Smocked sundress, Red bow, Ruby slippers, and European flare shades.

I like that one. I've tried it on my pet before and I love it! I hope you like this one. My friend showed it to me:

The Bubble vest, Cuffed jeans, Ruby slippers, and the Daisy hair clip.

That one is really pretty! I think it's awesome. In the next issue there will be lots more fashions. I just need to keep experimenting!

Fashion tips

I think that you should wear something colorful. The Cuffed Jeans rock and the Ruby Slippers are beautiful. I also like the Daisy Hair Clip. The Bubble vest is really cool. If you put those together you have an awesome outfit! Experimenting with clothes(both Wshop and Kinzstyle shop)helps you find awesome outfits. Try this out and I'm sure you'll come up with some great styles in no time!

Cool pets

Some of the coolest pets are the Floral Fox, Dolphin, Unicorn, Tinker Pup, and the Toco Toucan. You can use pets as the base of your outfits. The outfit should look nice on your pet for it to be the base, so try some different outfits on your pet to see if any of them look pretty on it. It also has to be a pretty pet. The pug dog, for example, would NOT be a good base. Look for a cool pet like the Floral fox, Unicorn, or the Golden Retriever. Have fun experimenting!

Pet styles

Pet styles are outfits that look good on a certain pet. For example, the Cuffed Jeans, Bubble Vest, Daisy Hair Clip, and Ruby Slippers look good on the Unicorn. That's not a lie. They do look good on the Unicorn! . . . Now back to the subject. Try finding some outfits that look good on the pet your playing with right now that don't look good on some of your other pets you have. That is a pet style for the pet you are playing with right now. Cool, huh? You can get to work right now, if you want to!

Fashion questionz

Sorry, no fashion questionz yet! Send in some questionz and we might put them in the next issue!

Style story

I have a style story! Here:

I do lots of experiments on webkinz all the time. Not science experiments, fashion experiments! That's what made me want to write this magazine. Me and my friend Sunshine are good at coming up with Webkinz World's coolest fashions, so I decided to share some with you! I wouldn't keep such wonderful outfits to myself. I share my tips and tricks and fashions, even secrets, with you in this magazine. I hope YOU can come up with some awesome outfits, too!

New clothes
There are some new clothes in the Wshop! Thay are Christmasy. Get on and go to the new items section to discover what they are!

Outfitz from you

No outfitz yet! Send me some cool outfits and I might put them in the next issue!

Lovely pets

Here is the lovely pet of the month:

The lovely pet of the month is the. . . Unicorn! Pick up a Unicorn today and an outfit from this magazine and your pet will be beautiful!

1 comment:

Alexis said...

I need a outfit for a silverback gorilla.