Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I am making letter posts. I will write them like a letter. It is faster then mailing them and if I post them, I can write letters to other people, too. So that means I can write one letter to everybody I know. I wouldn't have to send them all e-mailed ones and copy my first one over and over. Here is my first letter, to my grandma:

Dear grandma,

I can't wait to go to your house for Christmas. I'll be a little bit sneezy, though. I can now think of what I want for Christmas. I want some fiction books. I don't know which ones I want, though. I like mystery and adventure stories. I don't want any Nancy Drew books, though. I haven't finished all the ones I have already. There is a new game I want called Guess Who I Am. I want that too. That is all I can really think of. I want about three adventure books and two mystery books. If you don't know which books are adventures or mysteries just get me a book you think I'll like.


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