Monday, December 8, 2008

MY Webkinz guide! Chapter 1: Rooms

In my last post I told you some room looks. Here are some different rooms:

Living room:
1. Couches and chairs! They are perfect. For a unique look, don't use two of anything!
2. Chose whatever wallpaper or paint you want! The same thing goes for the floor.
3. Get rugs! Rugs are new to the Wshop and they are super cool! You'll find them in the decorations section of the Wshop.
4. Plants. Get flowers, trees, any plant you want!
5. Get a TV. Your pet would like that! I also found out that after your pet watches Monkey & Monkey on TV, it gets the giggles!
6. Get games. LOTS of games! Not only will they be fun for you, but also for your friends when they come over!
7. Exclusive and rare items are great! They will make your living room look amazing!

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1. Get some actual plants from the garden section of the Wshop. You can take care of them! Get the Gardening guide there for more information.
2. Get some trees, bushes, and flowers.
3. Get some lawn chairs and lawn decoration for a comfortable outdoor yard!

1. Get a bed, of course!
2. Some chairs and couches would be comfy.
3. Get games! The more games you have, the cooler your bedroom is!
4. Get some wallpaper or paint that you like. Chose a type of flooring to match.
5. Get a TV! It's just as much fun to have a TV in your bedroom as it is in your living room.
6. Get a few books from the toys and books section of the Wshop. You can actually read them, too!

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Games room:
1. Games, of course!
2. A few chairs and tables. Set some games on the tables and you and your friends can sit down to play them.
3. A TV is nice.
4. Use your imagination!

Those are my room tips. In the next chapter I'll tell you about the coolest places in Webkinz World.

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